Wives Protest Shell Labor Exploitation (1963)
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Dub Rogers - KLBK Archival Footage, no. 2 - KSEL Promo...
Promotional film created to publici...
The David Ayala Collection, no. 2 - Catholic Wedding C...
Home movie scenes of an Ayala famil...
Out 'N About with Jimmy Medellin - Deep Sea Fishing in...
Part of a series of educational fil...
The Cochran Family Films, no. 9 - Easter 1958
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The El Paso High School Collection - Graduation with F...
Silent home movie footage of actor...
Dub Rogers - KLBK Archival Footage, no. 19 - Texas Tec...
Advertisement for Texas Tech Footba...
The KHOU-TV Collection - News Clips, April 15 - 22, 1968
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The Ramon Galindo Collection, no. 17 - Tailoring, The...
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The Coltman Collection, no. 5 - Corpus Christi and Aus...
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