The KHOU-TV Collection - News Clips, June 3 - 11, 1968
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News Clips, October 27 - November 12, 1969 - The KHOU-...
KHOU news clips, including a segmen...
Opening of the Flukinger Community Center Computer Lab...
Footage from the opening of the com...
A. M. Harper, Reunion
Home movie scenes of family gatheri...
The Eyes of Texas no. 229, April 14, 1984
Hill country wine tour, the Campbel...
The Stephen F. Russell Family - Sam Houston State Home...
Home movie of the SHSU annual homec...
Austin National Bank Advertisement, no. 1
Animated advertisement for the Aust...
Rice Institute Spot No. 4 (1952)
1950s television commercial promoti...
Bayou Bash (1999)
KPRC-TV news segment previewing Bay...
South Texas Museum - American Lutheran Church (1956)
Home movie footage of a church serv...