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The KHOU-TV Collection - News Clips, February 15 - 27, 1963
This film from KHOU-TV Channel 11 in Houston contains a series of short news segments that would have aired as highlights to news stories. Many are silent and would have been voiced over by the anchorperson during a live broadcast. The titles for each segment are the originals created by KHOU-TV. The clips on this reel date from February 15 and February 25 to 27, 1963. This series includes press interviews of Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr, United States Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, United States Secretary of State Dean Rusk, and Harris County Judge William M. Elliott. Also included is footage of Texas Senator A. R. 'Babe' Schwartz speaking to his colleagues in the Texas State Capitol.
- 1960s
- 1960's
- Houston
- Harris County
- Austin
- Travis County
- Houston Public Library
- Houston Metropolitan Research Center
- Texas Treasures
- KHOU-TV News
- KHOU Channel 11
- KHOU 11 News
- television
- tv
- television news
- tv news
- news footage
- news report
- reporter
- journalist
- journalism
- interview
- politics
- politician
- A. R. Schwartz
- Schwartz, A. R.
- A.R. Schwartz
- Schwartz, A.R.
- Babe Schwartz
- Schwartz, Babe
- Aaron Robert Schwartz
- Schwartz, Aaron Robert
- Texas Legislature
- legislator
- state senator
- Texas Senate
- Texas State Capitol Building
- State Capitol Building
- Texas State Capitol
- state capitol
- Waggoner Carr
- Carr, Waggoner
- attorney general
- state attorney general
- Robert Kennedy
- Kennedy, Robert
- Robert F. Kennedy
- Kennedy, Robert F.
- Bobby Kennedy
- Kennedy, Bobby
- attorney general
- United States Attorney General
- US Attorney General
- press conference
- William P. Hobby Airport
- airport
- Hobby Airport
- civil rights
- Cuba
- Cold War
- communism
- Dean Rusk
- Rusk, Dean
- Secretary of State
- United States Secretary of State
- US Secretary of State
- Texas Daily Newspaper Association
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- hospital
- patient
- doctor
- nurse
- medical treatment
- healthcare
- law enforcement
- police
- police officer
- rehabilitation
- injury
- Houston City Council
- court
- courtroom
- trial
- defendant
- lawyer
- prosecutor
- attorney
- judge
- law
- law enforcement
- witness
- witness testimony
- William Elliott
- Elliott, William
- Bill Elliott
- Elliott, Bill
- Harris County Judge
Politician Aaron Robert "Babe" Schwartz was born on July 17, 1926, in Galveston. He served in the Texas House of Representatives from 1955 to 1959 and the Texas Senate from 1960 to 1981. As a legislator, Schwartz was known for his fiery oration. The Texas Monthly wrote that the former state senator was "the best entertainment the Capitol had to offer" in the sixties and seventies. He served on every major committee of the Texas Legislature, specializing in bills protecting the environment and managing the resources of the coastal area. Schwartz was also a leading member of the "Killer Bees," a group of 12 state senators who fled during the 1979 legislative session in order to filibuster a presidential primary bill. Eluding a statewide search for four days, the politicians broke the necessary quorum needed to vote on any legislation, bringing Senate business to a standstill.
After losing his 1980 reelection campaign, Schwartz became a lobbyist and legislative consultant. He served as an adjunct professor at the University of Houston Law Center from 1996 to 2005 and began teaching at the University of Texas School of Law in 2009.
Schwartz passed away at his home in Houston on August 10, 2018. He was 92 years old.
The Chamizal Dispute, a border disagreement over 600 acres of land between El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, was a source of tension in U.S. – Mexico relations for over fifty years.
At the close of the 19th century, the course of the Rio Grande River (or the Río Bravo del Norte) had shifted on many occasions, as a result of flooding and other events. According to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) and the Treaty of 1884, the border between the United States and Mexico was to remain down the middle of the river, regardless of alterations in course, as long as the movements were the result of gradual natural changes. A stretch of 600 acres, known as El Chamizal, was now claimed by both nations; settlers had incorporated the land into El Paso proper, while Mexican citizen Pedro I. García held title.
In 1910, the International Boundary Commission (later the International Boundary and Water Commission), consisting of delegates from Mexico, the U.S., and Canada, set out to settle the matter. Ultimately the tribunal's 1911 proposal split the territory between the two nations, but the U.S. rejected it on grounds that it did not conform to the terms of the arbitration.
In the ensuing years, several U.S. presidents sought resolution to the dispute, which remained a contentious issue for both countries. U.S. Senator Tom Connally was known to frequently declare, "Not one inch of Texas for Mexico!" In 1963, President John F. Kennedy elected to settle the matter largely on the terms of the 1911 proposal, which Mexico accepted, and payment and land appropriation began. The American–Mexican Chamizal Convention Act of 1964 legally settled the dispute, and festivities were held on the border with President Lyndon B. Johnson and Mexican President Adolfo López Mateos in attendance. In 1967, after a man-made channel was built to prevent the Rio Grande's course from bringing the border into question again, President Lyndon Baines Johnson and President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz met on the border to officially announce and celebrate the end of the dispute after more than five decades.
This film was donated to the Texas Archive of the Moving Image by the Houston Public Library and is a part of the Houston Area Digital Archives. Many more films from the KHOU-TV Collection are available on the Houston Public Library Houston Area Digital Archives website.
Born in 1918 in Hunt County just East of Dallas, Waggoner Carr graduated from Lubbock High School and Texas Tech University. After service as a pilot for the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II, Carr completed a law degree at the University of Texas at Austin. Elected to the Texas House of Representatives in 1950, Carr went on to serve two terms as the Speaker of the House in 1957 and 1959. After losing a 1960 bid for state Attorney General to incumbent Will Wilson, Carr later ran successfully for the 1962 and 1964 terms. In 1966, he unsuccessfully challenged Republican John Tower for his seat in the U.S. Senate at the price of his seat as Attorney General. In 1968, he attempted a run for Texas governor, then retired from politics. He spent his later years serving on the Texas Tech University board of regents, as state commander of the American Legion, and on citizens' commissions in Austin and on the state level. At the time of his death in 2004, Carr was writing books about Jesse James and the past attorney generals of Texas.
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