Baseball Underway: Houston's Stadium is This Year's Star (1965)
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Taco-Bender Commercials (1976) - Noel Johnson Advertising
Pair of television commercials intr...
Thomas F. Freeman Collection, no. 34 - TSU Commencemen...
Home movie scenes of Texas Southern...
The Eyes of Texas no. 213, December 24, 1983
Kirbyville junk auction, Civil War...
The Jack Thompson Collection - F-111 Training Film Wit...
Training film featuring bikini-clad...
The Eyes of Texas, no. 65, February 23, 1980
The Palace Theater Light, ostriches...
Sugar Land Heritage Foundation Collection - Imperial H...
Compilation of news segments report...
Eddie Fadal on Elvis Playing Music with his Family (1991)
Interview footage of Eddie Fadal ta...
The Hurter (1990)
Student film made in 1990 that is a...
Bill Smith's New Chemical (1979)
Documentary was produced by Dow Che...