Ace in the Hole
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The Roy Faires Collection, no. 31 - Spotlight on Every...
Edited interviews with Dennis Quaid...
Camp Waldemar for Girls (c. 1961) - Dr. O.B. Sessums C...
Home movie of Camp Waldemar for Gir...
Leeza Gibbons and John Walls Outtakes (1979-80) - Tyrr...
Pearl's a Poppin' (1973)
Musical marketing film for Pearl Be...
Coal Mining and Transportation - Robert Yarnall Richie...
Industrial stock footage documentin...
The Frick 70s Collection, no. 18 - Family Picnic
Home movie footage showing a family...
The Plum Business of Grapeland, Texas
Interview with plum orchard owner J...
Bell Family, 1955 Walter's Seventh Birthday
Home movie of Walter Bell's seventh...
Austin to Houston on Trans-Texas Airways - Houston Aer...
1960s promotional footage for Trans...