The Miss Wool of America Pageant 1967
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Governor Price Daniel Addresses the North Sea Flood
Governor Price Daniel appeals to Te...
Galveston Hurricane of 1900 - Panorama of Galveston Po...
Film illustrating the significant d...
Black Blizzards Rage Again Over the Southwest
Newsreel footage of dust covering a...
The Ross S. Sterling Collection, no. 8 - Native Americ...
Home movie scenes of a Native Ameri...
Dub Rogers - KLBK Archival Footage, no. 30 - Lubbock T...
News footage of destruction from F5...
The Marshall Collection - Christmas Party (1968)
Home movie of a family Christmas ga...
Packages by Pegasus
Industrial film promoting the air e...
Drink All You Can with Beer at 60 Cents a Guzzling Hour
Dallas-based Schepps Brewery promot...
The Eyes of Texas no. 511, January 18, 1992
Sidewalk Cattlemen’s Association,...