JR…Gabour, a resident of Texarkana, who was dead on arrival as we say, the victim of a shotgun blast both to the head and arm, the body at Weed-Corely. The fifth victim, 24 year old Thomas Karr, a student from Fort Worth, living here in Austin at 802 W. 28 thSt, young Karr died in the intensive care unit at Brackenridge Hospital. Arrangements are being made through Wilky-Clay. 56 year old Mrs. Marguerite Lamport, an aunt to the Gabour boy, a resident here in Austin of 203 Cascade, she was pronounced dead on arrival, a victim of a shotgun wound, she is, as we say, was the aunt of the Gabour family involved in the list of this afternoon's casualties. Services for Mrs. Lamport pending at Weed-Corely. 18 year old Claudia Rutt was pronounced dead on arrival at Brackenridge Hospital, she is a resident 3415 Cascadera, her parents are Melvin and Mrs. Rutt. She was a student at the University, services pending at Cook funeral home. The eighth victim, dead on arrival at Brackenridge Hospital, 29 year old, Roy Dell Schmidt, employed by the city of Austin as an electrician, funeral arrangements at Wilky-Clay. Also dead on arrival, Austin Police officer, Billy Speed, he was 23 years old. A resident of 1403 Payne Street, services pending at [indistinct]-Manor. The tenth victim, Paul Sonntag, 18 years old, dead on arrival at Brackenridge Hospital, he was a city employee. He lived at 2705 Pecos St here in Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim F. Sonntag, employed for the past two years as a lifeguard at Reed Pool, young Sonntag graduated from Austin High School in May and was enrolled in pre-registration at the University of Colorado, the family has requested that memorial gifts be made to the Educational Building at Tarrytown Methodist Church. He was also the grandson of KTBC News Director, Paul Bolton and Mrs. Bolton. Services pending at Cook Funeral Home. The 11 thVictim, Harry Walchuk, no age available, a resident of 385 Deep Eddy in Austin, he died a few minutes after being admitted into the intensive care unit following surgery, services pending at Weed-Corely. The twelfth victim was a baby boy, by the name of Wilson, no first name of course given, delivered prematurely, to his mother, Mrs. Claire Wilson. Doctors in the emergency room stated that the baby died from a concussion and a skull fracture suffered as a result of the bullet crashing into his mother's body. Also, dead at Seton hospital shortly after arrival was Mrs. Edna Townsley, 53 years old a resident 3203 Alice Avenue. She too had been shot by the full blast of a shotgun, and also according to police officers and autopsy surgeons, had been beaten about the head and the shoulders by the gunman. And of course, as you know, 26 year old Charles Joseph Whitman, shot down by police officer and his body is at Cook Funeral Home. Now a list of the injured as we have them, we have attempted to get the names absolutely correct and the age correct. In fair condition at Brackenridge Hospital, John Allen Scott, a resident of 1510 Coronado Drive. In satisfactory condition, Rowland Ehlke, a resident of 1103 West 24 th, received an injury to his right arm and after treatment at Brackenridge Hospital, was moved to the University Health Center. He walked from an emergency room at Brackenridge to an awaiting ambulance. In serious condition, a carpenter by name of Avelino Esparza, a resident of 2047 West Malone. In critical condition at Brackenridge Hospital is 41 year old Mary Frances Gabour, a resident of Texarkana, Texas. Her condition is extremely critical at this hour; she has gone back to surgery for the second time, suffering from severe head injuries. Also in serious condition from head injuries, Mike Gabour believed to be a cadet at the Air Force Academy in Colorado, he's 19 years old, he too is also in surgery. A student by the name of Irma Garcia, 23 years old, is in fair condition at Brackenridge Hospital, she is a resident of 2211 Leon Street here in Austin. In critical condition now in the intensive care unit at Brackenridge is Karen Griffith, of 8210 Briarwood she is 17 years old, suffering from suffering from severe chest and internal injuries. In critical condition. David Gumby, a resident of 1112 D Brackenridge Apartments, no age immediately available. In fair condition, 21 year old Nancy Harvey, a resident of 2101 Shoal Creek, she suffered a hip injury; she is a student at the University and also a Library Assistant. 36 year old Robert Heard, a reporter for the associated press, a resident of 3908 timberline Drive, now in fair condition suffering from left arm and shoulder injuries. In serious condition, in the intensive care unit, 17 year old Alec Hernandez, a resident of 1008 South 1 ststreet, suffering from a hip injury. Also in serious condition, Morris Holman, a resident of 411 Lightsey Road, he is the manager Hill-Tee Manor Funeral Home and was wounded as he was attempting to lift another victim into an awaiting ambulance. His condition: serious, he is 30 years old and is in the intensive care unit. Also, these injured victims, 21 year old Sandra Wilson is now in serious condition, she has been transferred from Brackenridge Hospital to Seton Hospital, she is suffering from chest injuries. Undergoing treatment also at Seton is 18 year old Clara Wheeler, a resident of 500 Vale, he condition is listed as good and also in unknown condition at Seton Hospital, Brenda Gail Littlefield, a resident of 5513 Overbrook Drive. Now these persons were injured, received treatment either at the University Health Center or Brackenridge Hospital and after treatment were released. Robert Frede, spelled F-R-E-D-E, a student, Delores Ortega, and F.L. Foster, a resident a 5702 Mojave Dr. C.A. Stewart, a resident of Baytown. At the Health Center on the campus of the University, a student by the name of Dello Martinez, a resident of 2515 Rio Grande in Austin but from Monterrey, Mexico and her mother Mrs. Marina Martinez of Monterrey, both treated for minor injuries from fragments of shells perhaps from a ricochet and released from the medical center at the University of Texas. These doctors included a dentist, they included orthopedists, they included pediatricians, they included doctors of any time of specialization you might know. The hospital had more than an adequate supply of personnel, of equipment and of the necessary drugs and various other items associated with emergency rooms under extremely congested conditions. There were at least two nurses at all times and a doctor with each patient in critical or serious condition, the other hospitals here in the city, telephoned and came over, offered their facilities, offered their services, and many of the nurses called in and offered to be of service. At this hour, many of the public health nurses in this city are working extra hours to relieve the overload at the administration level and at the nursing level at Brackenridge Hospital. The emergency room personnel, without an exception, those off-duty, came back without being called directly under their services to the community. The other cities in the surrounding areas called and offered their assistance, their supplies, their doctors, and their nurses. The hospital administrator Ben Tobias late this afternoon opened one half of a 21 bed unit that had been closed earlier in May and transferred patients from other areas of the hospital, ones that could be moved so as to make space for those more critically injured. 80 units of blood were sent in from outside areas and more are still coming in at this hour. Neal, that's the latest as it is at this moment.